同济大学交通运输工程学院道路与机场工程系可持续交通研究课题组成立于2015年。课题组负责人李辉老师毕业于美国加州大学戴维斯分校,获土木与环境工程博士学位,现为同济大学交通运输学院教授、博士生导师、交通科学与技术研究院副院长。研究方向主要为:交通基础设施及城市环境的可持续性及灾害弹韧性,包括:缓解城市热岛效应凉爽路面;海绵城市雨洪管理全透水路面;气候变化及极端天气对基础设施的影响... Details>>

同济大学,Tongji University
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- Pavement Materials for Heat Island Mitigation: Design and Management Strategies...
- Evaluation of Cool Pavement Strategies for Heat Island Mitigation. ProQuest....
- Human Thermal Comfort: Modeling the Impact from Different Cool Pavement Strategies ...
- Development and Validation of a Mechanistic-Empirical Design Method for Permeable Interlocking Concrete Pavement...
- Permanent Deformation Characterization of Permeable Interlocking Concrete Pavement Materials...
- Pavement Treatment Practices and Dynamic Albedo Change in Urban Pavement Network in California...
- Measurement of Pavement Treatment Macrotexture and Its Effect on Bicycle Ride Quality...
- Modeling the Impact of Pavement Roughness on Bicycle Ride Quality...
- Moving Towards a Sustainable Transportation System: Focus Issue on Sustainable Transportation Technology...
- Pavement Life–Extending Potential of Geosynthetic-Reinforced Chip Seal with High-Reflectivity...