1."海绵城市"雨洪管理全透水路面( Permeable Pavement Strategies for Stormwater Management);
2.缓解城市热岛效应凉爽路面( Cool Pavement Strategies for Heat Island Mitigation);
3.考虑不同需求的多功能道路(慢行交通路面等)( Complete Street and Highway for All Road Users);
4.交通基础设施系统全寿命周期分析及管理信息系统( Life Cycle Assessment and Management of Infrastructure);
5.气候变化及极端天气对基础设施的影响( Impact of Climate Change & Extreme Weather on Infrastructure System);
6.长寿命路面及道路快速维护(Long Life Pavement and Rapid Rehabilitation);
7.道路材料再生利用( Pavement Materials Recycling);
8.基础设施环境与资源经济学及政策( Environmental and Resource Economics and Policy in Infrastructure)。