Special Issue on Porous Pavement and Stormwater Runoff Management,International Journal of Transportation Science and Technology(IJTST)
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International Frontier of Road and Airport Engineering (iFRAE) series of conferences was founded by the school of transportation Engineering of Tongji University, including international academic seminars held every two years, as well as irregular small academic seminars (iFRAE-W) and graduate students forum (iFRAE-S). The iFRAE conference series aims to provide a platform for academic exchanges in the field of roads and airports. This conference is the second session of the iFRAE-W with the theme of permeable pavement. (iFRAE-W2: ICPP 2018).
With the rapid development of the cities, the hardening of the large surface area hindered the natural infiltration of stromwater, especially the impervious pavement surface area. Whereas, road pavement area accounts for 20%-30% even more of the land in the city area. When the stoemwater exceeds the maximum capacity of municipal drainage flood control facilities, the surface runoff happened in many places. And thus, this creates an imminent risk for the flooding and runoff water pollution in cities. A new development strategy is desired to restore urban rainfall natural infiltration and solve the problem associated with stormwater runoff. In the last decades, the concepts of stormwater runoff management have been established by many countries such as; the Best Management Practices (BMPs) proposed by the United States in the early stage and the subsequent Low Impact Development (LID), the Sustainable Urban drainage system (SUDS) in the UK, Australia's Water Sensitive Urban Design (WSUB) and China's Sponge City. The porous pavement in sponge city used as a pervious surface layer, which works together with the porous base to help in the rapid infiltration of rainfall into the ground. Also, it can be selective drainage beyond road structure as natural infiltration to recharge groundwater. Therefore, it is considered as an effective way to avoid or reduce the surface runoff and urban flooding. However, the pervious structure of porous pavement caused a deficient in its structural performance although providing it with an excellent ecological function. Rutting under heavy load, loose and raveling and pore clogging hinder its popularization and application in the heavy-load and highway roads.
The aim of this special issue in International Journal of Transportation Science and Technology (JITST) is to present new methodologies and applications to promote porous pavement and stormwater runoff management. This special issue, associated with the 2018 International Workshop on Permeable Pavement to be hold on Oct 24-26, 2018 at Tongji University, Shanghai, China (http://www.gowisdom.org/ICPP2018.html), not only focuses on the test methods, advanced analysis techniques, material development, experimental characterization, ecological functions, self-healing property, durability, and life-cycle assessment of porous pavement, but also concentrate on other methods to manage stormwater runoff, such as rainwater garden, ecological detention basin and so on. Topics of specific interest include, but are not limited to the following aspects:
• Enhancement and evaluation of functional performance and functional properties of porous pavement, such as durability, skid resistance, noise reduction, drainage, texture, snow-melting, temperature control, water pollution removal, etc.
• Innovative material development and characterization of porous pavement
• Improving the field test and laboratory test methods of porous pavement.
• Advanced analysis techniques, such as multiscale analysis of porous pavement structure
• Simulation of the mechanical responses of porous pavement, such as Finite Element Method (FEM), Discrete Element Method (DEM), etc.
• Simulation of the ecological functions of the porous pavement, such as hydraulics simulation, thermal transmission analysis, etc.
• Development in design, construction, maintenance, rehabilitation of porous pavement/p>
• Developing software for Life cycle assessment (LCA) and life cycle cost analysis (LCCA) of the porous pavements.
• Other methods to manage stormwater runoff, such as rainwater garden, ecological detention basin, etc.
Important Dates:
Special issue article type becomes available for submission in EVISE: July 10, 2018
Online submission deadline: Sept 30, 2018
Author notification of first round of reviews: Oct 15, 2018
Revised manuscripts due: Oct 30, 2018
Author notification of second round of reviews (if needed): Nov 7, 2018
Final manuscripts due: Nov 20, 2018 Expected online publication: Dec 15, 2018
Special Issue Editors:
Hui Li, Ph.D., P.E., Prof., Tongji University, China, hli@tongji.edu.cn
John Harvey, Ph.D., P.E., Prof., University of California, Davis, US, jtharvey@ucdavis.edu
Dawei Wang, Vertr. Prof. Dr.-Ing., RWTH Aachen University / University of Siegen, Germany, wang@isac.rwth-aachen.de
Submission via EVISE:
All papers should be submitted via the International Journal of Transportation Science and Technology online submission system. While submitting a paper to the special issue, please choose this special issue in Article Type, otherwise your submission will be handled as a regular manuscript. All submissions will go through the journal’s standard peer review process. Criteria for acceptance include originality, contribution, and scientific merit. For author guidelines, please visit the website of the journal at http://www.journals.elsevier.com/international-journal-of-transportation-science-and-technology
All inquiries regarding this call for papers should be directed to Guest Editors listed above or to the Editor-in-Chief, Dr. Ruey Long Cheu@rcheu@utep.edu
Web link:
IJTST Journal Homepage:
2018 International Workshop on Permeable Pavement, Oct 24-26, 2018, Tongji University, Shanghai, China: